An Invitation to Coaching

I care about the potential we (humans) have to fulfill our sense of purpose and meaning in life. I consistently help my clients with breakthrough perspectives for taking care of the things that matter most to them and I can help you attend to your possibilities for change. I will bring focus and intention to accelerate the work you are considering. You will uncover new possibilities for ease and calm in getting the results you’ve been looking for.

Why coaching, why now?

Like most people, you are capable, having achieved success and a stable sense of yourself as a professional and as a person. That being said, you may also find yourself wondering…

  • Is this all there is? I’m ready to take a next step, but how do I make it happen?

  • Changes in my life are exciting. Can I get some help taking it to the next level?

  • How can I fully contribute who I am to the world?

  • I’m ready for change, so why does this stumbling block keep showing up?

  • I know I have brilliance in me. How can I learn to better let myself shine?

Change for good

Coaching is a professional service that helps you move through these questions. If you are considering coaching, are you wondering if you can find more balance, increased effectiveness, and clarity of purpose in your life? As a coach, I help you

  • Define your goals for change

  • Deepen your understanding of yourself in relation to the things you care about

  • Become aware of possibilities for change—and of what may be holding you back

  • Design actions and practices that will move you toward your goals

  • Hold yourself accountable on a path of change that you choose

  • Create space for new possibilities for living to emerge

My offer

I can help you identify and move through the change you are considering. I offer a free session to explore where you’re going and for you to get a better sense of me. If we decide to move forward, I suggest an eight-month commitment for getting results that will exceed your expectations. Coaching can happen once or twice a month, in person or by phone or videoconference. My coaching agreement outlines the fundamentals of working together, including our mutual intention to hold space for your change process.

I am a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coach Federation and am Newfield Certified (NCC). I look forward to the possibility of serving you and would be happy to answer any questions you have. Let’s talk about you and the change you’re ready for.

Sincerely, Paul

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