Point-B Vision

My mission as the owner of Point-B Coaching is to elevate your confidence, intention, and urgency to get going with the changes you’re ready to make.

If you’re interested in coaching, it’s probably about a journey that is unfolding for you, somewhere in the tension between what you know you want to change and what you can’t know because the change may change you. At either end of this spectrum, and everywhere in between, when more of the same is no longer an option, my mission is to be of service in your process of uncovering the steps you’re ready to take. It’s where you’re going.

I started Point-B in 2011 on the premise that when there’s a horizon you’re ready to explore, we could all use a little help getting there. The mix of coaching, leadership education, and facilitated group workshops continues to build on what began as my passion for creating transformational experiences for young adults as an outdoor educator.

The principles on which Point-B’s vision is founded go all the way back to those early days leading adventure expeditions with teenagers. We humans always go further when we engage with others in working toward a shared objective, connecting with them in reaching for and striving to go further than we ever thought we could. Such risk taking requires us to stretch our hopes and dreams enough to stop wondering if we’re right, or ready, or enough to meet the moment. Back in those days, I learned that our human potential for more is within reach, and paradoxically, not to be grasped the way we think we will reach it. Change for good—to have more light in a world that holds too much darkness, more efficacy in taking care of the things that matter most to us, more connection and belonging to a collective effort that holds our commitment, more comfort in not knowing how but nonetheless knowing why—IS within reach when one is willing to give up notions of how they think things need to be.

Fast forward and “more” had remained elusive in my midlife, a lightning strike I had settled into waiting for. On the outside, I was making a difference, doing what came naturally, and cutting my own path through an interesting life. But a little warning light had started to blink. I was waiting, making do with less, and despite checking many boxes of success and impact, a hard look revealed that lightning wasn’t going to strike by itself. Next steps were not going to just emerge from a fog of what I came to know as limiting beliefs, outsized worry, and the need for external validation. I quit my job in 2009 and went on a walkabout for three years. Along the way, coaching found me and a new horizon opened up. More had been there all along but I couldn’t see it. This may not be your story but I believe that something similar lurks in most of us. We are really good at setting up rules for living that lock us into a perspective that works great on one level, even as another level is where possibilities for more lie hidden just out of sight. These possibilities are the human potential that Point-B can help you move toward with confidence, intention, and urgency.

Since founding Point-B, I’ve found resonance with these truths: Our human potential is not found on familiar ground but rather, in walking a path of discovery. Finding our way forward almost always involves transformation because once we’re in motion, we are soon on uncharted terrain. These are the wildlands that allow perspective to shift and new possibility.to pop into focus. We know ourselves differently and similarly find that more is possible for ourselves and with the other people in our lives. Curiosity, creativity, and synergy issue from such change. This is where we find more, out beyond the way we thought the world needed us to be.

Point-B’s vision is to be there as a partner in your process of discovery; to help you, your team, or your organization step up to an edge. Beyond the boundary of current knowing is new knowing. While “there be dragons” on the blank parts of the map, this is where you may go, not to find the thing you’re looking for but rather, to let the thing that has been looking for you, find you.

This poem by Rumi resonates for me in the way that the poet captures the expansiveness of a place, far out past our own sense of who we should or shouldn’t be, were we cross over a threshold into new knowing. There we awaken and find who we are meant to be.

From The Wagon, Rumi

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other”
doesn’t make any sense.
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.”

Please don’t go back to sleep! My personal path to an expansive future was to stop waiting for the lightning to strike. I climbed above limiting beliefs and found the freedom to see a new horizon. This is human possibility and it is yours, too! I built Point-B to work with people, just like you, whose hope for “more” could use a little help. I can elevate your confidence, intention, and urgency to get going with the changes you’re ready to make. Click below to set up a free discovery call. Let’s talk about where you’re going.

With all my heart,
