Why Coaching,
Why Now?

I am a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coach Federation, a Newfield Certified Coach (NCC), and am trained in the ontological coaching method. Like all coaching professionals, I consider you to be creative, resourceful, and whole. My goal as a coach is to help you reach directly into your desire for change and enable you to see new possibilities for getting there. When more of the same is no longer an option, I can help you find new perspectives for taking care of the things that matter most to you. In doing so, you will find openings that lead to exceptional results in your life.

Why coaching?

We all build function into the “operating system” of thought that enables us to be who we are: how we make sense of our world and are able to make the most of it. And then one day you may begin to wonder, “is this all there is? I’m ready to take it to the next level but this is scary… Can I get some help becoming a more expansive version of me? I know I can do this—pedal to the metal—even though another part of me has my foot on the brakes.”

A current mindset can get in the way

Current patterns in how we make sense of ourselves in the world can make the best of intentions—ambitions for growth—seem like a bad idea in the part of our brain that governs self-preservation. When this is the case it’s not enough to simply marshal more willpower, redoubling our efforts to reach for desired goals. Rather, real change requires us to examine our commitment to assumptions that may have served well in the past—made us who we are—even though these “rules to live by'“ may now be what limit the reach we would like to have. We humans must sometimes unlearn before relearning.

You’re already good at what you do

Most adults have well regulated lives with functional assumptions and working paradigms that help us not have to think about the things that matter most to us. Rather, long-held “beliefs” help us make decisions—sometimes in the blink of an eye—for effective, productive lives. We’re really good at this and 99% of the time it works great! However, our belief system also binds us to doubt or worry about things we’ve “learned” to fear and that we manage as existential threats (to both physical and social safety). We don’t give a second thought to the things we tell ourselves we can’t or shouldn’t do. The resulting behaviors are bound to these limiting beliefs.

Think about strong feelings that help you take action in the world

Some of these may be:

  • What doing a good job looks and feels like

  • How you get things done with other people

  • How you uphold your standards of performance

  • How you manage a sense of social belonging and acceptance by your peers

  • How you leverage your strengths (and manage your liabilities)

  • What you do to maintain a sense of self-worth, an “enoughness” that allows you to feel whole

  • How you manifest a sense of purpose in your life

Now imagine that one or more of the assumptions that make these behaviors make sense is getting in the way of a change you want to make. No matter how worthy the change, it will not fit into your way of being unless you take the risk of seeing things differently, shifting perspective to see a new way that the world can work.

If it was easy you would have already made the change

A change that you want to make but have not yet made may be one that fundamentally disrupts your sense of “the way I get things done, feel worthy, fit in, and work with others.” If this is the case, your desire to hold onto these constructs for “being in the world” may be getting in the way of:

  • The rise to supervisory responsibilities

  • Letting go of control, delegating, and empowering others

  • Risk taking and vulnerability when faced with disruptive challenges

  • Freedom from worry and limiting beliefs

  • Creativity and innovation in an evolving workplace

  • Changing roles, reorganization, and succession planning

  • Managing your values for work-life integration

  • Life transitions and growth

Coaching is transformational

Coaching helps shift your perspective and moves you to a new understanding of what’s possible. As a coach, I can help you persist in navigating the change you want to make, not by helping you create a checklist of new things to do, but by helping you explore what you already know to be true.

  • The things you care about most

  • Your sense of purpose

  • The commitments you want to keep and the conversations you’re ready to have

  • Emotional states that support being who you want to be

  • Knowing that more is possible

Now is the time

You are already creative, resourceful, and whole. If more of the same is no longer an option, I can help you unlock the potential for discovering where change will take you.

Chat with me

Request a free 30-minute Discovery Session to see if this is the path you’re meant to be on.