Leadership Courses

I teach leadership classes through Western Colorado University’s Center for Learning and Innovation

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Leadership at the Edge: Advanced Skills for
Collaboration and Innovation

  • In person on the WCU campus

  • April and May

  • October and November

Leadership is a practice that requires the courage to ask others to imagine a different future with you. Sometimes your team’s new future is easy, a matter of making steady progress toward reliable results through practiced execution. At other times, the new future does not lie at the end of a smooth path with a tidy solution. Rather, leadership is sometimes an invitation to have others join with you in creativity and innovation, where curiosity and being “OK not knowing” are important steps along the way to new knowing. Leadership at the Edge is a course for those who want to understand this road less travelled: what leaders do (and teams need) to perform when there are no easy answers.

Leadership at the Edge is for anyone who wants to enable others to engage in productive, collective work. Whether you have formal authority as a leader, the knack for making things happen, or are stepping up to new management responsibilities, this course will help you lead with more intention, confidence, and reach.