Resource Library

This is here for you and your journey into knowing there is more… more about the process of coaching, more about how we get to grow, and more about how the edge of new knowing is your edge to explore.

My offer

I believe we’re all in this together and the content below has served me and my clients well in learning about new ways to imagine ourselves in the world. This is an educational library and much of what you’ll find below is from those whose works bring forward the art going deeper into being human. I’ve given attribution where it is due. My commentary is my own. You’ll also find my original thinking, especially in the Do-Be Model and in the ways that I find confluence of one whole current of thought with another. I share this library with you freely and ask only that you bring me your curiosity for going deeper with what you find here.

The Do-Be Model for Leadership and Teamwork©

I published the The Do-Be Model in 2011 and have since used it to help leaders understand teamwork at the edge, what those that follow need in order to work better together as they face of problems that don't have easy answers. This highly coachable model brings out the best in teams by helping them…

  • Clarify and align around a compelling sense of purpose

  • Hold a collective vision for the future

  • Foster a work culture that is both container and incubator for a growth mindset, innovation, and collaboration.