Group Services

Group Facilitation

Facilitation is the art of helping a group take action while holding space for an exploration of new possibilities.

Whether helping coordinate a meeting, moving a group through a problem-solving challenge, debriefing a learning experience, or assisting in the development of organizational vision, Point-B is skilled at convening for engaged participation and keeping groups on task for getting to where they want to go.

Sometimes groups need help seeing the big picture in order to get their arms around it. Point-B facilitates for your group's ability to be curious and productive in the face of problems that have no easy answers. 

“Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.”

— Confucius circa 450 BC

Leadership & Team Development Workshops

Point-B uses experiential methods to grow leadership and team development in a learning laboratory. The skills to lead, the paradox of risk-taking and high performance, and a sense of team are brought out when groups engage in problem solving at the edge of new knowing. Contact Paul for custom designs for your organization's growth. 

  • Scalable to 50 participants

  • Three hours to three days

  • Off site or where you work

  • Programs grounded in contemporary leadership theory

Sample Workshops:

Problem-solving scenarios, role-plays and simulations take academic concepts and ground them in hands-on activities that catch you in the act of being yourself. This "play with a purpose" helps you gain exceptional insight into key leadership concepts such as: making decisions in ambiguous circumstances, holding a clear vision, aligning team values, collaborating for common interests, and sustaining organizational culture.


High-ropes course challenges take you out of their comfort zone, providing you the opportunity to take risks, develop trust, gain empathy, and perform at the edge of what you believe is possible.  In the process, team members develop support systems and behaviors that inform personal and professional commitments for change.


Values clarification in a group setting gives team members the opportunity to give voice to truth and share the experience of finding common cause and clear sense of purpose.


Celebrations, rituals and traditions are a powerful dimension of team culture. Team members develop strong commitments to one another when their behaviors reflect a shared sense of identity.

Customize Your Workshop or Retreat

Every team has a unique dynamic and goal. Contact Paul to discuss customizing a workshop or retreat around your goals and challenges.

“I have worked with Paul Duba in various capacities over the last 8 years as a hired facilitator, presenter, experiential education leader and coach. Paul has a gift for working with both experienced and aspiring leaders. He is well-versed in the leadership literature and his own experience as a public servant informs his preparation, delivery and facilitation. He applies his experience with building and strengthening teams to individual needs. He is a supportive, knowledgeable, and heartfelt coach. I highly recommend him to organizations as well as individuals.”

— M.E., Denver Community Leadership Forum